Wednesday, June 25, 2014

What's a Normal Cycle Length?

Dear Aunt Flo,

I think I'm not getting my period often enough. I have a period every 30 to 32 days, never less than 30 days and never more than 32. What's wrong with me, why am I not getting a normal period every 28 days like every other woman? Should I talk to my doctor about this and if I do, can she do anything to fix me?

Not Normal

Dear Not Normal,

You are perfectly normal, and it is not uncommon for women to have their periods as often as every 25 days to as long as every 34 days. The every 28 day cycle is a myth, though it is more common. If you are very bothered by having longer cycles, you can talk to your doctor about using low dose birth control pills to get your cycles to happen more often. First you will want to be sure you are willing to deal with the possible side effects of the pill before you start them. You should also know that as soon as you stop taking the pill, your cycles will revert back to what is normal for you.

Aunt Flo

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