Dear Aunt Flo,
My boyfriend told me that the withdrawal method of birth control is very effective birth control and we won't have to worry about my accidently getting pregnant. Is he right? Is it really that effective, or should we be using a different method of birth control?
Not Ready To Be Mommy
Dear Not Ready,
Honey, your boyfriend is very misinformed about the withdrawal method. The withdrawal method of birth control is NOT that effective and fails more than 20% of the time with "perfect" use, and the failure rate with "average" use is much closer to 35%. If you are not ready to get pregnant, you need to insist on a much more effective birth control method, and there are may available today. I would strongly recommend that you insist on using condoms (when used correctly they are over 97% effective) until you and your boyfriend can do some research and find an effective method of birth control that you both agree on using.
Aunt Flo
Unfortunately this is a question that is asked a lot. Getting second, third or even fourth hand information about birth control is usually incorrect, and sometimes just down right wrong. The best thing you can do is to ask a health care professional (doctor, nurse, midwife, pharmacist, or trained NFP instructor) about the different methods that are available, how effective they are, and what the most common side effects are too.
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