Dear Aunt Flo
Over the past two days I have taken three different home pregnancy tests, and all of them have been negative. My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for five months and we were just sure that we timed everything perfectly, but with the three negative results and my period due tomorrow I'm sure we failed to conceive yet again. Should I test again, or rely on the results of the home pregnancy tests?
Dear Waiting,
One of the hardest things to face each cycle is seeing a negative pregnancy test, followed by your period. However, not all hope is lost. You did test "early" and depending on how sensitive each of the brands that you used is, it is possible that you just have not built up enough hCG in your body to register on the tests. My advice to you is to visit Baby Hopes where you can see a listing of different tests and just how sensitive they are. Pick one brand and buy one or two tests. Tonight, read the instructions for the test and make sure you know exactly how to use it. Then, tomorrow, first thing in the morning, use the test. If it is still negative, wait at least 2 or 3 days, and if your period is still late, test with the second test. If you still get a negative result, call your doctor to schedule a blood test.
Aunt Flo
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